In April, we launched our new Active & Sustainable Travel Hub, with thanks to funding from Paths for All and NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation. With a total fund of £26,000 over the next year, including support from our main funder, National Lottery Community Fund, we’re looking forward to greatly expanding our work towards the active and sustainable travel aims of our strategy.

We’ll create an Active & Sustainable Travel Hub, initially through our digital channels and delivery of activities and events, and later, a physical premises in Kirriemuir. The hub builds on our previous work in this area, including our popular e-bike borrowing scheme, road-side repair workshops, led cycle rides and cycle skills training. Our previous activities will continue, with an increased focus on supporting beginner and novice cyclists to build confidence on their bikes. We’re also able to increase opportunities and build knowledge around safe walking routes. We’ll do this by creating an active travel route map, introducing 1:1 and small group learn to cycle workshops, and regular led walks. Our new Active & Sustainable Travel Project Officer, Christina, is already in post. You can contact her with any enquiries at Look out for lots of activity happening soon!

Our Active & Sustainable Travel Aims

As part of our 3-5 year strategy, launched in 2023, our Active & Sustainable Travel aims are to:

  • Promote and provide opportunities for our community to experience active and sustainable travel.
  • Promote the benefits of active and sustainable travel, in terms of individual health and wellbeing, as well as health for our planet.
  • Advocate for sustainable and integrated forms of transport (e.g. better cycle networks, accessible public transport, and car sharing opportunities).

Our Funders

Part of the funding comes from the Smarter Choices Smarter Places Open Fund, which is Paths for All’s programme to increase active and sustainable travel throughout Scotland. The programme is grant-funded by Transport Scotland. Our project supports many of their outcomes including:

  • People choose to walk, wheel or cycle for short journeys.
  • People develop more positive attitudes towards sustainable transport choices.
  • People’s knowledge about sustainable transport choices increases.
  • There is an increased evidence base to support sustainable travel interventions.
  • People develop more positive attitudes towards sustainable transport choices.

“We were delighted to award Sustainable Kirriemuir with £13,000 through our Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Open Fund. Sustainable Kirriemuir are the foremost organisation fighting the climate crisis in their community by getting people active and out of their cars. Travelling more sustainably is one of the most effective ways in which an organisation such as Sustainable Kirriemuir can make a difference in reducing their community’s carbon footprint. Walking and travelling sustainably are also key cornerstones in improving people’s health and improving communities so we at Paths for All were delighted to support this project.”

– Graham McQueen, Manager of the Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Programme

This funding is matched by NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation, which supports projects that contribute to their mission of “enabling healthier lives for everyone in Tayside by informing, funding and supporting our partners to improve health outcomes for people in their communities”. The key priorities of NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation that our project supports are:

  • Improving and supporting physical and mental health.
  • Contributing to environmental sustainability.

“Sustainable Kirriemuir’s application will provide an excellent physical and mental health project with the community of Kirriemuir at its heart. Kirriemuir has proven themselves previously to be a very innovative and caring community.”

– Richard McIntosh, Fund Development Manager for NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation

How Can I Get Involved?

Over the next 12 months there will be lots of ways you will be able to get involved with the project. Firstly, we’d be delighted to hear from anyone in the community with skills or plain enthusiasm that could contribute to the running of the project. In return, we can provide training and support, and you’ll become part of our valuable volunteer team. You’ll meet like-minded people and have fun while helping tackle the big issues, like improving physical and mental health, and reducing environmental impact, at a local level. If this sounds good, visit our Volunteer With Us page for more details and to register.

Look out for lots of other ways to get involved with the project, including:

  • Taking part in led walks and cycles.
  • Participating in roadside repair workshops.
  • Contributing to our community consultations on active and sustainable travel.
  • Borrowing one of our e-bikes!

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