Let’s work together to…
Share Our Knowledge
What is Climate Change?
Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time, but how can we tackle it if we don’t understand it? So often, we feel like we don’t know enough, we don’t have enough time, or that someone else will sort it out. None of us have ever faced this before and we need the ideas, energy and creativity of everyone to help build our town’s resilience to the effects we are already experiencing. We want to build connections, share experiences and help people answer the questions that matter to them. Whatever you are interested in, whatever your skills; there is a place for you here.
We aim to break down the jargon to support the members of our community to have a better understanding of what sustainability and the climate crisis really means, and what we can do about it. Get started by reading our first mini module, Understanding Climate Change.
As part of our Nourish Kirriemuir Project
We have supported over 500 local people to increase their understanding and awareness of the climate crisis.
I want to learn more about…
An update from the SK Team…

Every person has the right to know what climate change and the destruction of our natural world is doing to our planet. We have a responsibility to share our knowledge and to drive individual and community action.
On Sustainability

I used to feel alone in my pursuit of a more eco-friendly life. It didn’t fit with other people’s agendas and it was seen as my hobby rather than being about how we should all live. But thanks to the incredible community that has built around Sustainable Kirriemuir I’m not only surrounded by people who get it, but people who have become a force for good and from whom I have so much to learn!
On Learning More…
I think it’s a hugely important area of community development, a movement for grassroots social change in the way we live. I love learning new skills and want to feel more connected to my local community.
Get in Touch
Together we can make good choices and live better, join Sustainable Kirriemuir!
If you would like to know more about what we are doing please get in touch. We are always looking for new members to join our organisation. If you have particular knowledge around climate change issues, or growing, making and mending skills you’d like to share, or just want to know more, we want to hear from you. Everyone is welcome, together we can make a difference.