Let’s work together to…
Save Energy & Go Green
We all use energy to power and heat our homes, shops, schools, public buildings and work places. How we choose to power and heat these spaces, who we choose to do so, and many more factors can have an impact on our individual and collective carbon footprint.
Scotland is leading the way on improving household energy efficiency and reducing emissions from our homes, with a number of organisations delivering funding and support across the country. We were the first part of the UK to recognise this as a national priority.
Although there’s been considerable progress made, there’s still lots more work to be done.
Emissions data shows that current actions are not enough to ensure that our homes play their part in contributing to Scotland’s challenging emissions reduction targets. Most emissions reductions to date have been seen in the power sector, which has seen a two-thirds fall in emissions from 2008 to 2018. Emissions from all other sectors outside of electricity generation have fallen by just 14% during this time. (Energy Saving Trust, 2021).
Community Energy Action
We know how we power our homes and vehicles is a huge contributing factor to the climate crisis and we would love to do more around this area.
Are you interested in being part of a Sustainable Living action group, to support a reduction in emissions in Kirriemuir? Please get in touch!
Green & Grey Energy
The energy supply that we each use to power and heat our homes can be described as either “green” or “grey”. Green is considered renewable, meaning it’s sourced from an infinite source that will not run out, such as the heat or light from the sun, or the wind in the air. Grey is considered non-renewable, meaning it’s created by burning of a finite source that will eventually run out, such as coal, oil or gas.
What can I do?
We all use energy. Whether that’s to power our fridge-freezer, to cook our food, to use our computers, or to power up our devices. That means we can all do something to help.
The way it’s sourced depends on our chosen suppliers. If possible, we encourage you to consider switching to a green supplier. This is an easy step you can take at home to begin living in a more sustainable, environmentally friendly way.
Green Suppliers

Home Energy Scotland
The Scottish Government offers a variety of schemes to support people who have difficulty paying their fuel bills or keeping their home warm. These schemes also help to increase the uptake of home energy efficiency measures. This will help Scotland to reach it’s carbon emission reduction targets.
Home Energy Scotland, in partnership with advice providers and energy companies, manages these schemes on behalf of the Scottish Government. They have a network of local advice centres covering all of Scotland. Expert advisors offer free, impartial advice on energy saving, keeping warm at home, renewables, greener travel, cutting water waste and more. Their mission is to help people in Scotland create warmer homes, reduce their bills and help tackle climate change. Anyone can receive advice on all of these matters by getting in touch with them directly.
Contact Home Energy Scotland
Get in Touch
Together we can make good choices and live better, join Sustainable Kirriemuir!
If you would like to know more about what we are doing please get in touch. We are always looking for new members to join our organisation. If you have particular knowledge around climate change issues, or growing, making and mending skills you’d like to share, or just want to know more, we want to hear from you. Everyone is welcome, together we can make a difference.