Kirriemuir Apple Day 2023
On Saturday 28th October 2023, we held our annual Apple Day in Kirriemuir to celebrate local, seasonal food.
Apple Day is always one of our favourite events of the year! We get to celebrate the abundance of apples grown in our wee town. Despite the weather, it was a wonderful day, sharing wonderful food with wonderful people! As well as being lots of fun, Apple Day helps us work towards our charitable aims.

“Kirriemuir Apple Day was intended to be both a celebration and a demonstration of the variety we are in danger of losing, not simply in apples, but in the richness and diversity of landscape, ecology and culture too. It has also played a part in raising awareness in the provenance and traceability of food.”
“The success of Kirriemuir Apple Day has shown what the apple means to us and how much we need local celebrations in which, year after year, everyone can be involved. It’s a great way for people in the community to pitch in and rescue unharvested fruit whilst helping raise awareness of food waste”
– Amandla Taylor, Sustainable Kirriemuir Project Manager
An autumnal event filled with fun, food, friends and family!
We had a record-breaking 40 volunteers help out in the lead up and on the day itself. From collecting apples, pressing and bottling juice, to running our Harvest Café and craft activities, we thank you all for your contributions! Our Kirrie Apple Juice is available to buy from A Longer Table, while stocks last.
Michelle from Angus Outdoor Learning brought her natural resources and her never-ending imagination and enthusiasm for nature with her, and was probably the most popular activity table of the day! She shared an array of nature inspired crafts, including willow wands, Lunan clay shapes, charcoal potions, spooky wooden decorations and more.
Sarah, from Angus Alive Bookbug, also popped by to share stories and songs with the little ones, starting them on their nature-loving journey. Home Energy Scotland popped in to provide energy efficiency advice, but sadly had to disappear early due the the travel conditions. Emily from Alyth Hill Users Group brought along a selection of heritage apple varieties for sampling. Chef James Hurst brought along delicious samples including cinnamon and apple scones, and a beetroot, apple and walnut mix. Angie at Realm of Imagination added to the buzz of the day by running apple themed crafts in her craft studio.
Finally, a special thanks goes to the 9 volunteers from Kirriemuir Scout Group. You were a brilliant help on the day! It was heart-warming to see you all help out so enthusiastically with the various activities.
Our thanks also go to everyone who braved the rain to pay us a visit, and for all the donations gratefully received which will help us further our charitable aims. We raised over £800 on the day!
Why Does This Matter?
Locally grown, seasonal food has a myriad of benefits, from improved nutrition to supporting the local economy, as well as a reduced environmental impact. Local food cuts down on food miles and excess packaging. Also, eating seasonally often means the food we buy is cheaper than if we buy out of season. It usually tastes better too!
Did You Know?
Scottish householders waste more than £1 billion worth of food each year. That’s £180 per year for every person in Scotland! When we are detached from our food’s source, the people who produce it and its place in the environment, we are less likely to value our food and may be more likely to waste it.
What are Sustainable Kirriemuir’s Food & Growing Aims?
We want to bring more locally grown food to our community, and promote skills to grow, store, and prepare food, and reduce food waste. We aim to do this by:
- Growing as much local, seasonal, climate-friendly food as we can for our community.
- Providing opportunities for learning, skill-sharing and experiencing the benefits of growing food and gardening.
- Inspiring an appreciation for the value of food, especially local food, including preparation and storage skills, as well as reduced waste.
- Promoting access to locally grown food for our community.
What can you do to help us achieve this?
- Volunteer at our Community Garden or at our community events.
- Attending our food and growing themed workshops and events.
- Shop local when you can, and try to reduce how much food you waste.
- Try growing your own fruit and vegetables. Maybe you can plant an apple tree and grow your very own apples next year!
Love Celebrating Local and Seasonal Food?
We hold Kirriemuir Apple Day and Kirriemuir Tattie Day annually. If you’d like to volunteer your time to help make the next one a success, please let us know!