We are a cycling friendly community!

We’re very pleased to announce that we’ve achieved a silver award from Cycling Scotland, the nation’s cycling organisation. We achieved the award for our commitment to make it easier for more people in Kirrie to cycle. The Cycling Friendly awards recognise workplaces, schools and community groups across Scotland for their commitment to making it easier for more people to enjoy the benefits of cycling.

To achieve the award, we’ve run Dr Bike maintenance sessions in collaboration with Dundee & Angus Cycle Hub and run training sessions with Alex Pattison, local Cycling Scotland trainer, to help people become more confident cycling. We’ve also hosted a series of family-friendly group cycles to local farms. You can watch our short film showing what Pedal to your Produce is all about on our YouTube channel! We don’t plan on stopping there either; find out more about our plans to make Kirrie a centre for active and sustainable travel and how you can make a difference, by visiting our Active Travel page.

“Angus Council is delighted to hear the news that the fantastic work by everyone at Sustainable Kirriemuir has been recognised through the awarding of the Cycling Friendly Community by Cycling Scotland. The Dr Bike sessions along with the cycle training and family friendly rides have been a great success and we hope to see these continue as we further improve the cycling infrastructure in and around the town.” – Paul Downie, Senior Project Officer, Sustrans Scotland

Cycling Scotland is the nation’s cycling organisation. Working with others, they help create and deliver opportunities and an environment so anyone in Scotland can cycle easily and safely. Their vision is for Scotland to be sustainable, inclusive and healthy; a place where anyone can enjoy all the benefits of cycling. Visit their website to find out more.